Another piece of information on what I was doing lately.
A couple of weeks ago I got an e-mail informing me about an award thingy going on over at cgCoach.com.
Just for fun I entered and submitted my current demoreel and – to my surprise to be honest – actually got pretty with it.
On May 17th I got selected as one of the finalists in the “Excellence in Compositing” category … hell yeah!
I could hardly wait until the winners got announced on June 16th … but sadly it turned out that I didn’t win. It would have been an awesome opportunity to gain some experience while working with the folks at Framestore, MPC and Dneg. Also it would have fit my schedule perfectly and bridged the time until my studies begin in October. Nonetheless I am very happy for Sandro and Holly who were awarded with the internships. Congrats!
Just to make this clear: London is still on the top of my list and one day I finally get there … it just take a little longer now.
Must watch video of the day: ITFS Zoopraxiscope by Johannes Schiehsl
EDIT1: sorry guys, the links to cgCoach are no longer working – it should be cgstudentawards.com now, but the old page do not exist anymore.
EDIT2: cgstudentawards.com is now the rookies.